Here are some things to try before you call us....
Try the Reset Button
That funny outlet is also called a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter and it's a special outlet designed to protect you. It is probably located somewhere close to water; the kitchen sink, the bathroom, outdoors, or the garage. The outlet is designed to constantly measure the current in the black wire against the current in the white wire. A very small difference between the two wires will cause the outlet to shut off the current very quickly. If you drop the hair dryer into the bathtub, or run over the extension cord with the electric mower, the outlet shuts off before you can suffer from a potentially dangerous electric shock. The buttons are there so you can test the operation of the outlet. Since the outlet is close to water, and has metal moving parts, it is possible that the parts can rust. That is why it is important to test it once a month. Go ahead, just push the TEST button. The button should pop out and the outlet should shut off. Then push the RESET button to turn the power back on. If the outlet does not work like it should even after you've pressed the rest button, give us a call, it can be replaced pretty inexpensively but is a crital component to keep you safe in a wet environment.
For the safety of you and your family, NEVER replace a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlet with a regular outlet or receptacle.
Go Flip your Breakers
If a light doesn't work, or something plugged into an outlet doesn't work, here's a few things to check before you give us a call.
If it's a light, try a new bulb. If that doesn't fix it, look at the fuse or breaker in the panel (usually in the basement). If the fuse is burned out only replace it with one of EXACTLY the same amperage. If it's a breaker, reset it. If neither of those fixed the problem, give us a call.
If it's an appliance or something plugged into an outlet, unplug it and try something that you know works (like a lamp) in the outlet. If the lamp works, then the appliance is at fault. If the lamp doesn't work, try replacing the fuse or resetting the breaker. If none of those things helps, give us a call.