When your power goes out, be ready with an Automatic Standby Generator

Nova Scotia weather is certainly unpredictable and power interruptions are a way of life. Not only is it annoying to lose power, but the possibility of frozen pipes, flooding due to an inoperable sump pump, spoiled food in fridges or freezers can cause unforeseen issues and expenses.
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Aluminum wiring, popular in the sixties and seventies, poses problems. We can assess if an issue exists and recommend a fix

During the 1960's and into the 70's some homes were wired with aluminum wiring. Unfortunately it was later discovered that the connections to copper-based electrical outlets and switches and the aluminum wiring were prone to corrosion.
Knob and tube wiring is both an insurance issue and a serious safety risk. We can identify and fix it.
Knob and tube wiring (sometimes abbreviated as K&T) was an early standardized method of electrical wiring in buildings commonly used in North America from about 1880 until the1930s.
For safety and liability reasons, most insurance companies and many mortgage firms will require that any charged knob and tube wiring be replaced when purchasing, refinancing or remortgaging your home.
Ensuring that your home adheres to the province's electrical codes gives you the utmost in safety for you and your family

Ensuring that your home adhere's to the province's electrical codes gives you the peace of mind that your system is providing the utmost in safety for you and your family.
Often associated with a home purchase inspection or when changing insurance coverage, a code violation inspection can identify issues with current electrical systems.
During even routine electrical work it’s possible to uncover material suspected of containing asbestos.

You can now rely on the trained and certified professionals of Benoit Electric to protect your home and family from the hazards of asbestos fibre while they perform electrical work, without the addded expense and delays involved in traditial asbestos abatement processes.